Friday, June 11, 2010

A drug discovery boutique | health

A drug discovery boutique | health

My Comment: This falls into the category of synthesis, seeing a commonality in what were once considered unrelated diseases. The Chinese do this all of the time, and would call these new drugs, if they work, treatments for Toxic Heat.


P. Ropecia said...

Not understand in good manner. Please write more so as to make me understand.

Naftali2 said...

Most pharmaceuticals are created through a baseline understanding of biological processes, and attempt to modify those processes to rid the body of the disease. However, sometimes these drugs are not as effective as is hoped.

The options are to change the formula for that particular drug, or to change our understanding of a biological process. This is what has happened at Can-Fite Pharma. They have a different understanding of the biological causes of some diseases.

This will open the door to many different medications for a variety of diseases, based on this one discovery.

It so happens, that this has been the case with Chinese medicine for thousands of years--and what is interesting to me is that these diseases that Can-Fite now sees as related, have always been related in the eyes of Chinese physicians, falling under their category of Toxic Heat.