Monday, May 10, 2010

Arthur Clarke - Fractals - The Colors Of Infinity 3 of 6

My Comment: This section of the longer show about Fractals is the perfect example of why I believe that science and religion need to work together, in this case, to define words. For instance, when the Torah speaks of a sign on the hand, what is the definition of sign? Is it like a street sign, or a name on a door? I would wager that's how most people define that word, unconsciously, even most people who are quite religious. But this does seem simplistic, doesn't it? What if the definition of 'sign', is actually a Fractal. And that the relationship between the Shel Yad and the Shel Rosh is really that give and take, that Yin and Yang of the Fractal? If we change this definition, then our concept of tefillin changes from symbolic to technological. Our concept of Gd grows, it reverses direction from the reductionist view that is so popular. Just a thought.

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